A multiplayer connection does not pose too many problems in a local area network (LAN), but our simulators are more difficult to connect through a remote network (WAN). For all those who have encountered connection problems with P3Dv4, FSX or FSX:SE, on a WAN type network, Hamachi is THE solution! This small free program (up to five connections) allows you to simply create a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which makes the connection easier.
The proof: these images taken on P3Dv4 with two connected pilots (one in Switzerland, the other in Ecuador). Note that TacPack also works in multiplayer mode!
Engine tuning
What has worried us the most in recent weeks is the flight performance generated by the famous Goblin 35 engine: a big job, very technical, which requires great precision and excellent knowledge of the thrust calculations used by FSX and Prepar3D. Our simulators perfectly reproduce the results of these complex thrust calculations at different altitudes and reactor speeds.
DH-100 Test Flight
A wonderful video was prepared for us by Béni, one of our test pilots (former military pilot)!
The video was made on FSX using FSRecorder for the second aircraft (both flights were made by the same pilot).
We notice that he knows Axalp’s turns very well and the lead during the flight is also great. With his smooth flight on the first recorded flight, he was able to “dance” with his plane, creating a magnificent ballet on our Alps and making this video very dynamic. Congratulations also for the precision of his shots, it’s very impressive!