New Repaints

French, English, Australian, Italian and Swedish…, all flying over the Swiss Alps!
A Painkit will be available to the artists for the release of our Vampire DH-100, an international model with the instruments in original English values.

Textures optimisation

The number of frames per second (FPS) is an important element to consider when modelling an aircraft in all its complexity, whether for FSX or P3D. This is one of the elements that allows a good fluidity in the simulator. But this is not the only thing that influences a smooth visualization: the use of memory should be as light as possible.
To achieve this goal, and thus offer the greatest possible fluidity during the flight (despite the deliberate choice of a partially photorealistic texturing), a huge optimization work is currently underway to significantly reduce the number of textures that the simulator must open. And the first results seem very promising!


In Switzerland, the Vampire DH-100 was the first military aircraft to be equipped with a blind flight system (IFR). It consisted of a “NAFU” (automatic omnidirectional speaking beacon) and a GCA (approach radar). The latter required the presence of a ground operator to advise the pilot of the course to be followed and its altitude. These systems are part of our Vampire and are being tested.
As two versions of the Vampire flew in Switzerland (round nose, and long nose…), these different versions will be equipped with slightly different radios. The “Long Nose” Vampire having been lengthened to allow a more sophisticated radio equipment.