UPDATE Morane D-3801 MSFS
Our Morane has just been updated on SimMarket, with bug fixes following the SU11, such as the injector animation, improved cockpit graphics, a new price, etc.
Venom Review
First realistic and complete review of our Venom! We will never satisfy everyone, but when we take the time to learn to “tame” this extraordinary aircraft, it is clearly the satisfaction of meeting the challenges created by the demands of our Venom DH-112 that dominates. In any case, this is clearly shown in this article, and it is precisely what we were looking for when we built this “bird”.
The Venom MSFS is ready for takeoff
We are finally there: our Venom DH-112 is ready to take off! Accessible on the usual markets (soon on the Microsoft Marketplace).
Venom MSFS: Final Testing Phase
Final phase for our test pilots: take-off from Meiringen (LSMM) for a late day flight over the Alps. Checks on the interior lighting (instrument lighting, instrument panel and UV), then speed tests at different altitudes, flight model and behavior during a loss of lift (stall), etc. A few more adjustments and the successor of the Vampire, the Venom DH-112, will be ready for its flight! But the Microsoft Marketplace team will also have to deal with the vacations that have just started and will end… in mid-January! No matter, the other marketplaces are still working!
Vampire on the MarketPlace
We are happy to announce that our Vampire is now on sale on the MarketPlace!
Venom for P3D Available!
Our latest creation for P3D, the De Havilland Venom DH-112 is now available for Prepar3D! More info on the product page.
Morane for MSFS Available!
Our first realization for MSFS is now available! More details on the product page.
MSFS World Update VI – Morane
To celebrate the release of the Microsoft Flight Simulator World Update VI, as well as its first anniversary, with a new mesh and stunning textures, we have prepared the first Morane D-3801 Beta version so that our testers can discover this new Switzerland (and Germany and Austria) in all its glory.
A lot of work has already been done for this version of the Morane, there is still a lot to do before its release! But we are on the right track: the first tests seem to satisfy a former Swiss Morane pilot. Just a little more patience…